St John of Beverley,
Also serving Sacred Heart, Hornsea and Most Holy Sacrament, Marton
5 -12 October 2024
Sat 6.30pm Robert Fitzpatrick
Sun 9.00am (Hornsea) Sp. Int. (Tim Argent)
Sun 10.45am Audrey M. Somers
Tomorrow Monday 7th October is the Feast of the Holy Rosary. Pope Francis has urged us all to make this a day of Prayer & Fasting for Peace, and especially to pray the Rosary at home or in Church for this intention.
Mon 9.30am Thanksgiving (Fijalkowski)
Tue 9.30am Ian Todd
Tue 10.00am (Hornsea Convent) Sp. Int. (C. Taylor)
*** Wed 9.30am For the Parish. [Mass will be celebrated in St John’s School – all welcome] ***
Thur 9.30am Sp. Int (Priestly Vocations)
Fri 9.30am Molly Meagher
Fri noon (Hornsea) Fr Maurice Hardy
Confessions: Saturdays 10.00 – 11.00a.m. in Beverley and when requested. ** Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during Saturday Confession time **
Anniversaries: Robert Fitzpatrick, Audrey M. Somers,
Ian Todd, Fr Maurice Hardy (former P.P. Hornsea)
Morning Prayer: 9.15a.m. Weekdays before morning Mass.​​​​​​​​​
Tea and Coffee in the Hall after Mass on Sundays
(Hornsea & Beverley) & Wednesdays (Beverley)​​​
Novena after Mass (Bev) on Wednesdays.​
Convent Prayer Group (Hornsea) Thursdays, 2.30p.m.
Rosary before Friday Noon Mass in Hornsea.
​Friendship group at St Johns this Thursday 10th Oct. There will be a simple lunch served at 12.00p.m. followed by a short Sycamore film “The Prayer of Thanksgiving & Gratitude” meeting closes at 2.00p.m. Fr Stephen Wang, who designed the Sycamore series, explores gratitude and if we take the Blessings given to us for granted. All welcome.
Andy Kind, Christian comedian has a show at St Mary’s Church hall, North Bar Within, Sat. 12th October 7.30p.m. Tickets £10.
Prison volunteers The SVP are presently trying to rebuild their outreach to local prisons. Is this something you could help with? There will be an open meeting at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Carrington Ave., Cottingham HU16 4DU Weds. 23rd October at 7.30p.m. All welcome.
Beverley 200 club Winner no. 4 Maureen Chilvers £50.
Thanks to all who supported the SPUC event in Beverley last Sunday. Some people had to rush off but have asked if they can still contribute. Thanks - just leave something in an envelope marked SPUC and put it through the presbytery letterbox.
​​​​​Welcome House Refugee Centre in Hull.
Parish contacts:
(Hornsea) Rita Harding 01964 534835,
(Beverley) Brenda Watson - 01482 873202 and Maureen Mulligan - 01482 863162
Confirmation 2025:
​​​​​​** Would-be candidates please return completed ​​forms and essays no later than 13th October - next Sunday – these may be posted through the Presbytery letterbox