St John of Beverley,
Also serving Sacred Heart, Hornsea and Most Holy Sacrament, Marton
7 - 14 September 2024
Sat 6.30pm Celebrant’s intentions
Sun 9.00am (Hornsea) Sp. Int (Rosanne Grzeskowiak)
Sun 10.45am Sp. Int. (Margaret Blundell)
Mon 9.30am Mark Allen
Tue 9.30am Thereza Thornton
Tue 10.0am (Hornsea Convent) Sp. Int
(Vocations to the Priesthood)
Wed 9.30am No Mass today.
Thur 9.30am Patrick Clifford
Fri noon (Hornsea) Celebrant’s ints.
Please note the changes in the weekday Mass schedule this week. All the Diocesan Clergy are attending a Safeguarding training day on Wednesday so there will not be a Mass that day. On Friday there will only be Mass in Hornsea.
Recently deceased: John Patrick Colwell (Beverley)
Anniversaries: Mark Allen, Thereza Thornton, Patrick Clifford, Fr Richard Fox.
Confessions: Saturdays 10.00 – 11.00a.m. in Beverley and when requested. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during Saturday Confession time.
Morning Prayer: 9.15a.m. Weekdays before morning Mass.
Rosary before Friday Noon Mass in Hornsea.
Tea and Coffee in the Hall after Mass on Sundays & Wednesdays.
Novena after Mass on Wednesdays.
Rosary before Friday Noon Mass in Hornsea.
Convent Prayer Group (Hornsea) resumes 12th Sept. 2.30p.m.
Friendship group starts again at St Johns this Thursday 19th. There will be a simple lunch at Noon followed by a short Sycamore film “The Power of Prayer” meeting closes at 2.00p.m. What is prayer? Why is it important? What difference can it make? All welcome.
Welcome House Refugee Centre in Hull.
Parish contacts:
(Hornsea) Rita Harding 01964 534835,
(Beverley) Brenda Watson - 01482 873202 and Maureen Mulligan - 01482 863162
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January everywhere else but Hornsea!) Joint Service TODAY Sunday September 15th, 6.00p.m. in St Nicholas’ Church garden. – weather permitting.
Diocesan Rome Pilgrimage for the Jubilee Year 2025 please see page 8 of the September Catholic Voice for the details.
Home Mission Sunday TODAY – there will be a retiring collection to help the work of the Church in England & Wales – thank you.
Canon Grant is away this weekend supplying in Pateley Bridge.
Confirmation 2025: We hope to begin a Confirmation programme if there is enough support. We would need at least 2 adults willing to share their Faith with the candidates.
The candidates must be 13+ and be committed to coming to Mass regularly and choose to be Confirmed. Please collect a form before 30th September. ** Would-be candidates please collect an application form from one of the priests.