St John of Beverley,
Also serving Sacred Heart, Hornsea and Most Holy Sacrament, Marton
16th - 23rd Feb 2025
Sat 6.30pm Pauline Sugarman
Sun 9.00am (Hornsea) For the Parish
Sun 10.45am Kathleen Agerskow
Mon 11.00am REQUIEM Mary Purdy.
Tue 10.00am (Hornsea Convent) Dec. Healy family.
[NB No Mass in Beverley on Tuesday]
Wed 9.30am Tom & Majorie Hyland
Thur 11.00am REQUIEM Shirley Bye
Fri 9.30am Ron Jellyman
Fri noon (Hornsea) Elena Crolla
Confessions: Saturdays 10.00 – 11.00a.m. in Beverley and when requested. ** Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during Saturday Confession time **
Recently deceased: Elena Crolla
Anniversaries: Kathleen Agerskow, Tom & Majorie Hyland
Morning Prayer: 9.15a.m. Weekdays before morning Mass.
Tea and Coffee in the Hall after Mass on Sundays
(Hornsea & Beverley) & Wednesdays (Beverley)
Novena after Mass (Bev) on Wednesdays.
Convent Prayer Group (Hornsea) Thursdays, 2.30p.m.
Rosary before Friday Noon Mass in Hornsea.
Welcome House Refugee Centre in Hull
Parish contacts:
(Hornsea) Rita Harding 01964 534835,
(Beverley) Brenda Watson - 01482 873202 and Maureen Mulligan - 01482 863162.
Interested in becoming a Catholic? We have been approached by several people recently. It would be good to get a group together.
Please complete an Enquirers form (available from the sacristy) for contact details, basic information and when you might be available.
Confirmation Group meets this Weds. (Feb. 19th) 6.50 – 8.00p.m
Friendship Group (Beverley) starts up again on Thursday 27th Feb. at Noon. Further details next week.
Beverley SVP Quiz evening which will include supper. Saturday 8th March after evening Mass. Cost £7. Tickets now available.
Local Hospital Catholic chaplains
Castle Hill - Fr Richard Marsden 01482 847763
Hull Royal Infirmary - Deacon Bob Shakesby 07790 696506
If you can’t contact them please call Canon Grant or Fr Sutcliffe.
Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope event at Our Lady’s Acomb, York YO24 3DX Saturday 8th March 9.45a.m. – 1.00p.m. We will use the Scripture to look at six of the themes which are part of the focus of the Jubilee year; - Care for Creation, Food poverty, Modern slavery, Managing debt, Forgiveness, Rest & worship. Please bring a packed lunch. The day is free but please inform Teresa Lyth before Feb. 26th if you are going Teresa.lyth@hotmail.co.uk
Further details on page 3 of the February Catholic Voice.
Regular Holy Hours at Hornsea Convent - please ring for details: 01964 537391
Ampleforth Retreats – a perfect way of entering into the spirit of the Holy Year. Further details about this and other retreats - retreats@ampleforthabbey.org / 01439 766087.